Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Appraising Your Website

On the surface, you may be happy with your company website, but have you looked closely and ensured that it fits all the criteria for an eye-catching, user-friendly site?
You may have concentrated on the appearance, employing every graphic technique possible at the expense of vital information. On the other hand your website may be so jammed pack full of information, it doesn’t make for easy reading or an attractive layout.

Remember, a website should look bright and interesting without being overcrowded. Important information should be displayed in an easy-to-read format, with clear headings and easy navigation around the site.

Even if you were initially happy with your website, it may no longer reflect your business and its current aims and would therefore benefit from an update.

At Graphics To You, we regularly update websites for our clients, ensuring that they are kept current, fresh and informative, whilst being very user-friendly. Take a look at the recently revamped website for Preva Produce Ltd www.prevaproduce.co.uk an example of our work.

Isn’t it time you took a good look at your website and opted for a fresh new look?

For more information call 07729150019 or email: gty.harris@graphicstoyou.co.uk
You can also visit www.graphicstoyou.co.uk